Alloy α

Alloy Helm αA helmet crafted from quality ore. While it doesn't look like much, this is highly functional armor.
Alloy Mail αChest armor crafted from quality ore. Made with a logical, no-frills construction that puts mobility first.
Alloy Vambraces αArmguards crafted from quality ore. Every element is streamlined for maximum utility.
Alloy Coil αWaistgear crafted from quality ore. The complexly shaded patina and sleek design are quite stunning.
Alloy Greaves αLeg armor crafted from quality ore. What it lacks in charm it more than makes up in defense.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadAlloy Helm α32-21-2-21
ChestAlloy Mail α32-21-2-21
ArmsAlloy Vambraces α32-21-2-21
WaistAlloy Coil α32-21-2-21
LegsAlloy Greaves α32-21-2-21
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadAlloy Helm α[1][1][0]
ChestAlloy Mail α[1][0][0]
ArmsAlloy Vambraces α[1][1][0]
WaistAlloy Coil α[1][0][0]
LegsAlloy Greaves α[1][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Quick Sheathe3Greatly increases sheathing speed.
Flinch Free3Prevents knockbacks and tripping.
Tremor Resistance2Nullifies up to minor ground tremors and greatly reduces the effects of major ground tremors.